Why do you sell coffee on whole beans?

A freshly ground dose of coffee - and ground properly, with a burr grinder- is the way to start for a delicious cup of coffee. That’s why we recommend that you buy coffee on whole beans and grind your coffee on demand. We always have a selection of hand or electric coffee grinders on our equipment section. If you’re not sure about what’s best for you, just shoot us an email!

Can you grind my coffee?

We can! If you would like your coffee ground, please let us know what brewing method you need your coffee ground for, and we will happily grind it for you.

How fresh is the coffee I will receive?

Coffee tastes best when is freshly roasted. That’s why we make sure that any of the coffees you will purchase will be roasted within less than a month’s time. If sealed though, roasted coffee can be best enjoyed within two months time, based on our experience.